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Digital Security Control Panel (DSCP) is micro controller based fully automatic fire alarm control panel which supported both automatic sensor and manual activation devices. In DSCP panel we can connect modular PCB up to 128. In each modular we can connect 5 MCPs and 20 Detectors. In modular there are four pins are used, two pins for power supply and two for data cable. In each modular 3 LED indication are used for FIRE, OPEN, SHORT respectively.


If the panel detect ‘FIRE’ signal from any of its zones, it will show ‘FIRE’ on DSCP panel along with modular number from which panel detected signal and a RED LED indication for represents fire on modular will go on. Internal buzzer will start siren and sounders associated with respective modular. If you want to mute hooters/ sounders/buzzers, press ‘SILENT’ button on the panel.


As soon as you confirm FIRE signal, with the help of trained fire fighter, examine the area & check status & intensity of the fire, Get support from fire fighting team to extinguish the fire. Once the fire is extinguished, go to panel & press the ‘RESET’ button to restart the panel.


If the panel detects an ‘OPEN’ condition from any of its zones, display will show ‘OPEN’ along with zone number from which panel detected the signal, YELLOW LED will go on for indicates open on modular.


If the panel detects an ‘SHORT’ condition from any of its zones, display will show ‘SHORT’ along with zone number from which panel detected the signal, GREEN LED will go on for indicates short on modular.


In DSCP panel LED indication are used for Power, Fire, Open, short, Dead, AC fail, NAC open, NAC short, Battery Reverse.


  • • Panel Size: L 380mm*H 300mm*W 100mm

    • Panel weight: 6.200 Kg

    • Power supply :  24 V

    • Zone Capacity: 128 Modular

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